The Mindful Journal


The Father Of Modern Yoga


The title of being the Father of Modern Yoga is not one that has been handed lightly to Tirumalai Krishnamacharya! His contribution to this ancient spiritual practice is widely acknowledged and appreciated as having greatly developed yoga in many different ways.


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A Closer Look At The Root Chakra


At PAMA London we believe that the energy centres in the body, also known as chakras, have a great deal of influence over how well our minds and bodies are able to work in sync. When the chakras are clear and energy is able to flow through these energy centres as it should, then peace and harmony is much more likely to be present and persistent.

The word ‘chakra’ is of Sanskrit origin and translates to ‘wheel’. There are seven chakras in the body and it is important to consciously work to balance them. This can be achieved with a variety of techniques and tools and is best worked on in an ongoing way. For example, you can balance the chakras with coloured clothing and this is something you can click here to read more about!

The Root Chakra

The root chakra is also often referred to as the first chakra and is located at the base of the spine. The connection between Mother Earth and the body and mind is deeply guided by the root chakra.

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When your energy is flowing without inhibition through the root chakra then you become better able and more inclined to honour your roots. This means that you can develop a greater appreciation of your family, and those people who support you in all aspects of your life. It is important to remember that your definition of family can differ from the norm, and this does not necessarily have to be concerned with those you are biologically related to.

With a well functioning root chakra you are likely to feel in control of your financial independence and have a justified sense of security. You will feel grounded and understand that you have the power to guide your life in the direction that you wish it to go in.

Balancing the Root Chakra

As we discussed in our previous article on balancing the chakras with coloured clothing, the root chakra is most closely connected to the colour red. If you feel that your root chakra has become blocked or unbalanced then surrounding yourself with the colour red can be helpful.

In addition to wearing red coloured clothing you can also surround yourself with this colour in other respects, such as consciously including red foods more prominently in your diet. For example, opt for red apples, strawberries, red grapes, cherries, pomegranates, tomatoes and red peppers.

Aim to eat at least one of these foods every day and do so in a mindful way. Focus your attention solely on the act of eating this particular food and meditate on the connected concepts that you believe are out of balance because of your root chakra.

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Healing of the root chakra can also be encouraged by finding ways to physically become more connected to the earth. For example, a regular yoga practice can be extremely beneficial – especially if you take your practice outside into nature! Practicing yoga not only helps you to ground yourself in a physical way, but also helps your mind to become more grounded in a very healing way. Furthermore, a large number of yoga poses are fantastic for opening up your lower spine and allowing energy to flow with greater abundance through this part of your body.

Next Monday we will be taking a closer look at the sacral chakra. So, visit us again soon to learn how you can balance this chakra to enhance your sexuality, sensuality and creativity!

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Embracing Meditation To Overcome Addiction


Meditation can be a powerful tool to understand the world, ourselves and the problems that we can often allow to interfere with the way we live our everyday lives. Meditation can enhance feelings of relaxation and peace, as well as helping to give the mind the time it needs to process the thoughts and experiences that present themselves during each day.

Meditation can be extremely helpful when it comes to supporting the mind through the challenges that are common for all of us, but it can also be an effective way to deal with more serious problems, such as addiction.

What is an Addiction?

When we hear the word ‘addiction’ we most commonly connect this to things like alcohol and controlled substances, such as illegal drugs or pharmaceutical medications. However, an addiction can really be anything that has a certain degree of control over your life.

Embracing Meditation to Overcome Addiction PAMAFor example, if you can’t even begin to imagine starting your day without your cup of coffee then you could determine that you have a caffeine addiction. Smoking cigarettes is another common addiction and one that we have increasingly learnt over the years can cause a great deal of harm!

Many people may display addictive dietary behaviours, and this can lead them to continuously make unhealthy choices in regards to the food that they eat, as well as the amount of food that put on their plate!

There is much discussion and debate surrounding the reasons that addictions can develop. However, one thing that is generally agreed upon is that addiction can often be connected to one or more ongoing emotional problems.

How Meditation Can Help

When it comes to any addiction, whether it be food, drugs, sex, video games or anything else, the first step to overcoming this issue is to try to establish the root cause of the problem. This means that it is key to discover how and when this issue began to present Itself.

The addiction may have developed as a response to feelings of anxiety or fear about a completely unrelated issue. This can happen as we as people can often find it easier to develop coping mechanisms to our problems, as opposed to trying to actually dealing with the issue itself.

Meditation gives you the time you need to spend with yourself reflecting on the past, contemplating the present and focusing on building a better future. Meditation also encourages you to really consider the origin of that which you are struggling with, and to conceive productive and rational responses to these thoughts.

Meditation and Mindfulness

When you engage in a regular meditation practice you will begin to notice that you become more mindful in other areas of you life. Mindfulness can be incredibly helpful when dealing with addiction. This is because when you embrace mindfulness every day you will become more aware of the reasons for your behaviour and the driving force behind each of your choices.

A life lived in a mindful way is a life full of conscious actions and kind decisions. When you truly consider the reasons for your actions, you are much more likely to make positive choices.

The process of getting an addiction under control in order to overcome it can be a long and complicated journey. It is also of course unique to everyone and no two people will go through the exact same experience. However, meditation is a tool that can provide some benefit to everyone who takes the time to embrace, experiment and enjoy it! Click here to read more about meditation and how you can get started!

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Meditation For Abundance


The concept of abundance means different things to different people. To you it may be concerned with your finances, your spirituality, your connections with others or the level of happiness that you enjoy – or perhaps something else entirely!

One of the most common interpretations of abundance is concerned with money. Financial freedom can be extremely liberating and enjoying this kind of abundance can make other parts of your life much simpler. However, the balance between the material and the spiritual is an important one to achieve – and one that can be difficult!

Regardless of what your idea of abundance is, meditation can be a powerful tool for encouraging the flow of it into your life. It can help you to clarify your understanding of yourself and to really discover what it is you need in your life.

How to Meditate for Abundance

The following meditative practice can help to open up your mind to the possibilities of abundance, and break down the mental blockages preventing you from receiving these gifts from life.

So, to get started you will need to find a peaceful place in which you can meditate undisturbed. This could be in your home, in the park, or any other quiet space where you feel comfortable and relaxed.

Sit with your legs crossed on the floor and close your eyes. Bring your attention solely to your breathing as the flow of air in and out of your lungs becomes deeper and longer.


After a few breaths, visualise the word abundance in your mind and try to focus your attention on this word for a few moments. Notice the colour of the word and the size of the letters. Notice how close the word seems to be to you and whether the letters move around or stay still.

After some time spent visualising this word your mind may begin to wander to connected concepts. Encourage this thought process and follow your train of thought on this journey.

This process will be unique to everyone and there is no way to predict what your mind may connect to the concept of abundance! You may find yourself visualising a time in your life when you felt full of happiness and fulfilled in other ways. You may find yourself visualising an image of yourself in the future with material wealth. You may even find that you visualise yourself in the present moment, exactly as you are now!

Give yourself the time to let these thoughts unfold and spend some time with each new thought before allowing another to divert your attention. Be sure to keep breathing consciously and deeply as you continue with your meditation.

After some time it should become clear what your individual idea of abundance is. Once you have this idea firmly in your mind then you can focus your intentions on this concept. Visualise it and continue to meditate on it as you also continue to breathe deeply.

Once you feel like you have seriously clarified this concept to yourself then you can clear your mind and end your meditation.

Living with Intention

Now that you are aware of what abundance means to you, you may notice that your actions and your intentions become entwined in order to embrace this idea.You can shape your decisions to create the abundant life that you want for yourself and enjoy the joys of having done so!

If you are not sure how to begin on your journey into meditation then click here for some simple advice!

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Exercise For Self-Care

The concept of self-care is one that encompasses a wide range of ideas and actions. When we talk about self-care, we are talking about ways in which we can nourish our minds, feed our souls, and simply care for ourselves in a loving and kind way.

Exercise is an essential component of self-care as it helps to keep both the mind and the body healthy. When we exercise regularly, and with consistency, we become stronger, we become more focused and several different aspects of our health will begin to improve also.

Endorphins for Self-Care

When the body is engaging in any kind of physical activity, from walking to extreme sports, then endorphins will be released around the body. Endorphins are neurotransmitters and they play a key role in keeping the central nervous system functioning as it should. Endorphins interact with receptors in the brain in order to boost your mood.

Endorphins are fantastic for stress reduction, and reduced stress levels will help to create the right frame of mind for embracing self-care. They also help to naturally reduce anxiety and to boost focus.

How Often is Often Enough?

Many experts are in agreement that between 30 minutes and one hour of vigorous exercise three times a week is an ample amount to feel the benefits – both physically and mentally. This amount of exercise is adequate for getting your heart pumping and thereby improving your cardiovascular capacity over time.

Additionally, scheduling your workouts three times a week will ensure that you are taking time for yourself. This time spent exercising can also be time in which you process the events of the day and pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. Having this time for yourself is a simple act of self-care, and one that can help to keep you feeling happy and balanced.

That’s not to say that if you can’t commit to at least this amount of exercise that you shouldn’t do any at all! Starting slow and discovering what your body is capable of is the first step to establishing both an exercise and a self-care routine.

Alternatives to Exercise

If conventional exercise isn’t your thing, then there are countless other great ways that you can engage in physical activity. These alternative physical activities can still be defined as acts of self-care. This is because they are things that you are consciously engaging in because you understand the benefits to yourself of doing so. This simple concept of doing something for yourself is the very basis of self-care.

You may try hiking, team sports, hula-hooping, surfing, dancing and more!

Choosing the Best Exercise for Your Self-Care

You may already know which types of exercise you enjoy the most, and if so then making these exercises are more regular part of your weekly schedule is a great start. However, it will also be helpful to try new things, and to be open to types of exercise and other activities that you haven’t tried before.

A combination of cardio and strength exercises is the best way to ensure that you are enhancing your health and fitness in an all-round way. Cardio is fantastic for your heart health and stamina, whereas strength exercises will help to maintain and boost your muscle mass.

You can also benefit from engaging in periods of meditation, either before or after your workout!. Doing so is a great way to prepare yourself for your workout, and also to unwind and relax again afterwards. Click here to discover the many benefits of meditation!

At PAMA London it is our passion to provide comfortable, functional activewear that can be worn for any activity. You can click here to check out our current range of bras, leggings, shorts and tops – all of which are made from sustainable eco-friendly materials!

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Namaste Journal



abundance active wear activewear addiction alcohol animal agriculture anxiety art art therapy asanas ayurveda baking soda balance bamboo beef bhujangasana bow pose breathing broccoli calcium carbon footprint chakras charcoal bamboo chemicals children cleaning climate change Clothing clothing industry conical hats cotton creative Crude oil dho mukha svanasana diet dopamine drawing dumbbells earth eco-friendly emotional endorphins energy Environment environmentally friendly exercise fahsio fahsion fairtrade farming fashion fashion industry fatigue fertility financial fitness flexibility food food production fossil fuels gym happiness headstand pose healing health health eating healthy eating healthy living hemp hormones india industrial insecticides intention kilt kimono lamb lentils linen lyocell magnesium meditation mental health mindfulness muscles natural fibres natural resources natural world nutrition nylon organic organic cotton organic fabrics painting peace pesticides pilates planet planet earth plastic pollution polyester population posture pranayama prosperity recycling relationships relaxation renewable energy renwable energy reproductive root chakra sacral chakra sari self-care spiritual sportswear strength stress stress relief style sustainable sustainable fabrics sustainable fashion tadasana The Chakras The Crown Chakra The Heart Chakra The Root Chakra The Sacral Chakra The Solar Plexus Chakra The Third Eye Chakra The Throat Chakra tirumalai krishnamacharya vistaminB12 visualisation vitamin B6 vitamin D weight loss weightlifting women's fashion workout yoga yogic teachings

Follow Your Intentions

The first part of namaste comes from "namaha," a Sanskrit verb that originally meant "to bend." Bending is a sign of submission to authority or showing some respect to some superior entity." Over time, "namaha" went from meaning "to bend" to meaning "salutations" or "greetings." The "te" in namaste means "to you," Deshpande says. So all together, namaste literally means "greetings to you." In the Vedas, namaste mostly occurs as a salutation to a divinity.