Earth Day 2020: End Plastic Pollution

Posted by Pauline Hansen on


Plastic pollution is poisoning our oceans and land, injuring marine life, and affecting our health.

Earth Day 2020 is dedicated to providing the information and inspiration needed to change human attitude and behaviour about plastic.

We learnt recently from our friends at Oceanic Global these devastating facts…

Each year we throw away enough plastic to circle the Earth more than 4 times.

Areas of our Oceans contain 6 times more plastic than life.

Over a million seabirds, 100,000 marine mammals and sea turtles are killed annually by eating or getting tangled in plastic.

Over 70% of the world’s fish are fully exploited or depleted.

All commercial fisheries are expected to collapse by 2048, and there will be no more live coral reefs by 2025.

Over 70% of the world’s fish are fully exploited or depleted.

So here’s what we can do together.

Reuse & Recycle

Before recycling, do research on materials that are used in single-use plastic items. You will be surprised to see how many different materials and raw resources are used to make single-use plastics. This will help you to decide how you should recycle.

Reduce your plastic footprint. Say no to straws, plastic cups, plastic bottles, disposable cups, plastic cutlery. Stop buying individually wrapped items and try to use stainless steel or paper options. 

Buy ocean-friendly products

Try to avoid using products that are made through unsustainable methods or using harmful chemicals. Purchasing cosmetics containing animal products such as shark squalene or jewellery made of coral and sea turtle shell is promoting fishing methods that could destroy the whole ocean ecosystem. 

Speak Out

Sign petitions, use social media to start these vital conversations.

Avoid Plastic Microbeads

Choose facial scrubs, deodorants, and toothpaste without microbeads. Stay away from ingredients such as “polyethene” and “polypropylene” as both of these are types of plastic.

Buy Oxybenzone free sunscreen

10% of the world’s coral reefs are threatened by chemicals found in sunscreens. Switch to sunscreen with zinc oxide instead.

Let’s join together to make some changes this Earth Day and spread the word and solutions together. 

clothing industry eco-friendly Environment sustainable fashion

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